Code with Black Vinegar
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Chujie Chen
6 Posts
4 Categories
11 Tags
Chujie Chen
Astroparticle Physicist | Potential Software Engineer
A 'Morty' who is willing to use science to explore the universe and utilize techonologies to improve the world with his 'Rick'.
  Post Charts
  My Projects
Solver for NP-Complete Minimum Vertex Cover
An optical character recognition GUI app
Deep learning toolbox for seismic waveform
A MERN full-stack web app
A 3D action/strategy game
Want More?
  My Skills
Machine Learning
Data Analysis
Web Development
  My CV


Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. in Physics & MS in Computational Science and Engineering
08/2017 - Present

University of Science and Technology of China
BS in Physics
09/2013 - 06/2017

Work Experience

Community Inventory Engineering, Facebook, Inc.
PhD Software Engineer Intern, 05/2021 - 08/2021
Key Words: Recommendation Systems, Ranking, Bidding

  • Incremental models for Share Your Group quick promotions
  • Downstream event models for Sustainable Community Growth - Groups You Should Join

Research Experience

IceCube @ Georgia Tech, Georgia Institute of Technology
Graduate Research Assistant, 2018 - Present
Key Words: Astroparticle physics, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Web Development

  • Performing a search for gamma-ray bursts using IceCube low-energy neutrino data
  • Building and maintaining a neutrino catalog web application

Laboratory for Microstructure of Solids​, University of Science and Technology of China
Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2017
Key Words: Condensed Matter Physics, Experimental Physics

Tang Biophysics Lab, Brown University
Summer Research Assistant, 2016
Key Words: Biophysics, Image Processing

Lab for Biological Physics​, University of Science and Technology of China
Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2015
Key Words: Biophysics, MATLAB